• E-mail Address : cpasrilanka@sltnet.lk

The ICPA is an independent, not for profit professional organisation formed with the view to promote the art and science of accounting and to provide quality education and training for students to advance their knowledge, skills and capabilities to meet the changing needs of modern society.It is a national professional institute with international perspectives, dedicated to the promotion of the highest accounting, auditing and ethical standards. It is committed to play a major role in human resource

Its vision is to be the premier accountancy qualification in Sri Lanka, comparable to the best in the world.

Its mission is :

  • to be the best and the most accessible provider of quality education in accounting and related disciplines;
  • to enhance the value and distinctiveness of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) qualification;
  • to promote high standards of professional conduct and technical competence of members to safeguard public interest;
  • to lead, develop and support accountancy professionals so that they will excel in their role and contribute to building Sri Lanka as the Miracle of Asia and to be a key player in the global economy;
  • to ensure that all CPAs remain at the leading edge throughout their careers.