Training Requirements
Students must obtain 3 years relevant supervised training and complete all examinations (excluding any exemptions) to apply for membership of the CPA. Students can fulfil their training requirements working in practice, industry, commerce, the public sector or any combination of these categories.
Students are required to obtain an in depth level of training in at least two of the six areas identified in the Training Record.
The six areas are:
- Financial Accounting
- Auditing & Statutory Compliance
- Taxation
- Information & Financial Systems
- Corporate Planning, Control & Treasury Management
- General Management
Students are required to submit a Training Record to the Institute on an annual basis. The training records must be signed off by a qualified accountant.
Webinar - Guide to Completing Training Record for CPA Students.
This webinar provides information about the CPA training requirements and guidance on how to complete the Training Record for CPA Students.
Training Record FAQs
Includes further information regarding the completion of the training records.
Competency Requirements
Includes for further information regarding competency requirements and how to record your competencies. Students at Level 3 training must also submit a Competency Guide & Return to provide evidence of in-depth competencies.
Evidence of Pracital IT Competence
Evidence of students’ practical competence in IT is a prerequisite for admission to membership. You may meet this requirement by either sending in your ECDL certificate or submitting a Certificate of Practical IT Competence signed by your supervisor (which testifies that you have adequately demonstrated all the ECDL competencies in the workplace). Any gaps in the required areas are required to be filled by taking the equivalent module(s) of the ECDL test and a certificate for the relevant module(s) must be submitted with your application.
Contact CPA
If you require further information, please email your query to Mr H B Musafer or Thamali Mallawarachchi or telephone (011) 2368817. Students are encouraged to contact the Institute for advice when completing their training documentation.