Accountancy is primarily a "social business" where it is essential to have an outgoing personality and good communication skills with both clients and colleagues.
In order to qualify as a Certified Public Accountant, you need three years' practical work experience combined with passes in the examinations set by the Institutes.
Requirements needed to become a member of the Institute are:
to have passed the final examination;
to have gained a minimum of three year's relevant practical experience;
to have submitted a satisfactory records of practical experience;
to be not less than 21 years of age and.
to be of good character
to have completed the Application Form
to have paid the relevant fees
Includes all documents students must submit (and guides to assist them) in order to apply for membership.
Examination Success
Students must successfully complete all four stages of CPA Examinations before applying for membership. All students who have successfully completed the Professional 2 stage of exams will receive a formal invitation to apply for membership of the Institute.
Training Requirements
The Institute requires that all students must complete a minimum of three years relevant supervised training. CPA students can fulfil their training requirements working in practice, industry, commerce, the public sector or any combination of these categories. Training experience must be documented in a Training Record.
Competency Requirements
Further information regarding competency requirements and how to record your competencies. Applicants are required to submit a Competency Guide and Return which is signed off by your employer/supervisor and specifically refers to the relevant technical competencies, professional values, ethics and attitudes that they have observed you demonstrate in your training. Please note that this is an editable document however you should download and save a copy of it before you begin to complete it.
Evidence of Practical IT Competence
Evidence of students’ practical competence in IT is a prerequisite for admission to membership. You may meet this requirement by either sending in your ECDL certificate or submitting a Certificate of Practical IT Competence signed by your supervisor (which testifies that you have adequately demonstrated all the DL competencies in the workplace). Any gaps in the required areas are required to be filled by taking the equivalent module(s) of the ECDL test and a certificate for the relevant module(s) must be submitted with your application.
Two written references
These must be original signed references on headed paper that are written for the specific purpose of your application for admission to membership and must be submitted with your application. One should be from the principal of your present or recent past employer and the second should be from a member of the Institute. In the unlikely event that you do not know a CPA member, you may submit a reference from a member in good standing of another professional accountancy body.
Application Form
Please complete the application form and include with all other required documents.
Students must submit an Application to Membership together with Annual Membership Subscription.
Conferring Membership
It is important to note that a student is not entitled to use the designatory letters ‘CPA’ or to describe themselves as a CPA until such time as the student has been admitted to membership.
Contact CPA
For queries regarding Admission to Membership, please contact Miss Thamali Mallawarachchi by email or telephone (011) 2368817.