• E-mail Address : cpasrilanka@sltnet.lk

Any member wishing to become a fellow of the Institute must apply to Council to be considered for CPA Fellowship Status. Please note fellowship status of CPA is not automatic.

If you are an Associate Member of CPA Sri Lanka and have been in full membership for at least ten years you are entitled to apply for a CPA fellowship. As a CPA fellow, you will be part of an elite group of professionals.

Qualification for Fellowship

No person shall be eligible for admission as a Fellow of the Institute unless at the date of admission he or she has been an Associate for not less than ten years and meets the requirements, if any, as may be prescribed in Bye-Laws made by the Council.

How do I apply for fellowship

There is no formal Application Form. Please send your request together the following information to Membership Secretary:

  • CPA Membership Number
  • Membership Commencement Date
  • Statement that you are a member in good standing for a period of not less than ten years

Once your fellowship application has been approved, you can use the alternative designatory letters FCPA after your name.