• E-mail Address : cpasrilanka@sltnet.lk

The assessment and examinations of study schemes offered by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants must be conducted in accordance with the detailed and documented criteria requirements of CPA's and other appropriate Regulations, Academic Protocols and other guidelines.

In addition, all programmes are subject to the Guidance issued by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) of Great Britain and other British and local regulatory bodies. Every effort has been made to map this guidance against the precepts of the QAA's Code of Practice for the Assurance of Academic Quality and Standards in Higher Education.

The maintenance of universally high standards is in the interests of all parties involved in educational programmes. The following notes are intended to provide general guidance regarding the conventions that shape the pattern of assessment and examination. The precise rules for examining particular programmes are contained in the programme regulations, and in the definitive programme document.

Grade Criteria

Grade criteria are useful for staff when assessing and grading candidates' work (as first and second markers), to External Examiners in judging the marking standards applied by internal examiners and to students in obtaining feedback on their performance.

The classification of an award at each stage will be determined by the Board of Examiners based on the basis of the assessment of results obtained by the candidate.

The following table gives the grading which will normally be associated with a particular mark:

Percentages Grading
85% & above Distinction A
70% - 84% Merit pass B
60% - 69% Good Pass C
50% - 59% Pass D
45% - 49% Marginal failure E
44% - under Fail F

Examination Re-check

Should a candidate be unsatisfied with any mark in a particular subject(s), they may apply for a re-check in that subject(s). Please note the fee for a re-check is Rs 3,000.00 per subject and all applications must be received by the stated date. A re-check application form can be found here.

Candidates should note that the re-check process does not provide a detailed synopsis on candidates performance in the examination and will only provide a brief summary outlining the main area(s) of weakness in their examination performance. Please note that this process can take up to 6 weeks.

Changes in the examination process

The Institute is pleased to announce that the modular system of examinations has been extended across all stages commencing from the 2013 examinations onwards. Prior to this the modular system was confined to the Professional Stage examinations only.

All Formation 1, Formation 2, Professional 1 and Professional 2 examinations may now be taken on a modular basis and students may sit the examinations in the subjects at a stage in any order. However, all four examinations at each stage must still be passed within the four available consecutive sittings - inclusive of the first attempted sitting of any subject at this stage.

Examination Regulations

Students must read and familiarise themselves with the Examination Regulations.


CPA Assessment

Guidance on assessing students


CPA Syllabus 2022/23

The syllabus for 2022/23 includes the learning outcomes, recommended readings and the exam details for each subject