Career in professional accountancy - the right choice
A student may register at any time during the year. However, as the examinations will be held twice a year in July and January, it is necessary that candidates must follow the following deadlines.
To sit the January exams, you must register by first week of November of the previous year.
To sit the July exams, you must register by 1st week of May of that year.
Complete Registration Form
You should ensure that your registration form is fully completed with the following information:
- The form fully completed with the Recommendation section signed and dated
- Birth Certificate or copies of the relevant pages of your passport,
- Marriage or Deed Poll Certificate, if your name differs from that stated on your Birth Certificate,
- Certified copies of your educational and/or Professional certificates in support of your application,
- A passport sized photograph with your name clearly printed on the reverse and
- The correct fees. On registering students must pay a registration fee, an annual subscription fee and exemption fees as applicable. You can find full details of these fees on the registration form or on the CPA website
- Submit the registration form before the closing date
If you want to find out more about studying CPA, or if you have any questions or feedback when you are registering, send an email with your questions to: / /