• E-mail Address : cpasrilanka@sltnet.lk
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is very important as a Certified Public Accountant. It is in your interest, the interest of your clients, your employer and your profession to ensure that you keep your knowledge and skill up-to-date.

In CPA, we take Continuing Professional Education (CPE) very seriously. As a student with us you were equipped with the skills and competencies to become a successful professional and we want to continue to support you in this endeavour. Our comprehensive joint CPE programme is built for you by your Institute.

As a member you must ensure that you are up to date with your CPE and must complete the required amount of CPE hours. For more details on your requirements please visit the CPE Information section.

Why Choose CPA as Your CPE Provider

Completing your CPE with CPA means your records are updated automatically saving you time, and if you are selected for a CPE audit and have participated in CPA run CPE courses you avoid the hassle of obtaining proof of attendance at other CPE course

CPA Sri Lanka, after consulting with its membership each year, ensures that the courses prepared for CPE are topical, relevant and useful to its members' careers. These courses cover breakfast briefings, evening seminars, conferences, webinars and online courses.

CPA Sri Lanka together with CPA Ireland brings vast array of topics, speakers and courses to choose from including:

Directors’ Duties, Companies Act 2015 (Ireland) & 2007 (SL), Company Secretarial Issues, Charities
FRS 102, Common Errors in Financial Reporting
Cash-flow and business plan modelling, Hiring and Firing, KPIs, Communication Skills
Income Tax, VAT and other indirect taxes, Tax Filing, Preparing for Tax Deadline, Revenue Audit,